Perlite and Vermiculite possess characteristics such as being light weight and having the ability to adsorb and hold many times their size in liquids which make them easily adaptable for a variety of unique applications.
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Listed below are several unique Perlite and Vermiculite uses.
- Animal Feed - Safe, inert, low density, all natural
- Animal Bedding - Super adsorbent, light weight, easy to scoop and spread, can be used with manure to spread on crops.
- Archeological Digs - A combination of perlite and vermiculite in geotextile bags placed against the fragile exposed walls of a dig providing protection and preservation.
- Horse Stalls and Corrals - Spread on the ground in corrals provides less compaction and more drainage. Similarly, when spread in animal stalls it also is much easier to use because it is light weight.
- BBQ Fire Base - Used as a base beneath the charcoal briquettes allows more air, prevents heat warping, and aides in an even burn. Additionally, less charcoal can be used.
- Fish Aquarium Filter - In a freshwater system, Perlite can be used as a water filter. As a bonus, the used Perlite can be added to the soil for your house plants to provide more nutrients and water retention.
- Glass Enameling - By using Vermiculite to slow down the rate of cooling, the enamel hobbyist reduces the number of beads that crack or shatter.
- Garden Slug Deterrence - By using Perlite as a top dressing or soil amendment slugs stop before entering your garden.
- Reptile Egg Incubation and Artificial Turtle Nests - Biologists are using vermiculite to create artificial moist nests for turtle eggs.
- Earthbag Roundhouses - Used to fill bags to build a roundhouse to provide superior insulation.
- Water Conservation - Used in agriculture to retain water and save topsoil.
- Filtering Effluent (sewage) - Used to grow trees in 100% perlite to filter effluent (sewage) in zero energy environments like RV parks or off grid locations.
Grades & Sizes of Perlite
Grades & Sizes of Vermiculite