Perlite and Vermiculite are light weight and possess outstanding insulating characteristics, but they also enhance fire ratings, reduce noise transmission, rot, vermin and termites which is why they are widely used in the construction industry. They are becoming known for their sustainability and superior performance.
In the construction industry, the most common use is Perlite Insulation and Vermiculite Insulation for masonry. Perlite or Vermiculite is poured into the cavities of concrete block where it fills all cores and crevices. Listed below are other common construction uses for Perlite and Vermiculite.
- Cultured Stone Faux Rock - Lightweight, fireproof, smooth - coarse texture.
- Ceiling Tiles - Lightweight, rot and vermin proof, fireproof.
- Chimney Linings - Free flowing, lightweight, permanent, non-gassing, flexible.
- Concrete – When used as an aggregate in concrete, a light weight, fire resistant, insulating concrete is produced.
- Insulated Floors - Rot and vermin proof, low density, super insulating, permanent, no shrinking.
- Lightweight Aggregate Concrete - For all types of lightweight cements.
- Loose-Fill Insulation - Sustainable, natural, no odors, permanent, free flowing.
- Noise Reduction - Sound dreading, pure, safe and practical.
- Pipe Coating and Leveling - Insulating, excavatable, free flowing and natural.
- Plaster - Lightweight, permanent, fireproof; available in different grades (sizes) for different textures and finishes; insulating.
- Roof Insulation Boards - High insulation value, all natural and safe, low density, reduces energy costs.
- Swimming Pool Liners - High insulation value, all natural and safe, low density, reduces energy costs.
- Concrete Blocks - Lightweight, fireproof, zero VOC, rot and vermin proof.
Learn about Horticultural Applications for Perlite and Vermiculite.