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North Bloomfield, OH 44450

Going Green

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Going Green with Perlite

Rooftop Gardening with Perlite
By mixing horticultural perlite and peat moss together, growers can produce rooftop gardens that give back to the environment without the weight of normal soil. Additional advantages are that perlite is lightweight, doesn't deteriorate, retains water and plant food, chemically inert, completely sterile, safe and easy to use.

Read the complete article from The Perlite Institute on Rooftop Gardening with Perlite.

Earthbag Roundhouse Building with Perlite
Perlite is a top choice for building earthbag roundhouses because its R-value of 2.7 per inch. 15? provides R-40 walls all around. That’s roughly double a superinsulated house. Even the tiniest heater would keep a small roundhouse warm if you have adequate roof and floor insulation.

Green Building - Perlite Solutions for the Green Building Industry
Green Home Building - Light-Weight Concrete

Sustainable Growing and Water Conservation
A great way to conserve water within a soil mix to protect the environment - Perlite Water Holding Capacity

Sustainability - Perlite Sustainability Fact Sheet
Water Quality Management - Perlite for Water Quality Management